Comprehensive Roofing Terms Glossary

Demystifying Roofing Jargon: An In-Depth Look at Key Terms

Roofing projects can often be complex, filled with industry-specific jargon and terminology that might be unfamiliar to homeowners and those new to the field. Our comprehensive guide to essential roofing terms aims to demystify these terms, providing clear definitions and explanations. Whether you're a homeowner embarking on a roofing project, a student studying construction, or a professional looking to refresh your knowledge, this glossary is designed to be your go-to resource. Explore the terms below to gain a deeper understanding of roofing concepts and enhance your ability to make informed decisions.


The finished underside of the eaves.


A unit of roof measure covering 100 square feet.


The exposed portion of strip shingles defined by cutouts.


A thick, oily substance used to waterproof roofing materials.


A roof covering made of straw, reeds, palm leaves, or a similar material.


A combination of beams, bars and ties, usually in triangular units to form a framework for supporting loads.


A term used to describe a nail not fully driven into the roofing material.


A layer of material placed between the roof deck and the roofing shingles, providing added protection.


The internal angle formed by the intersection of two sloping roof planes.

Valley Flashing

Metal or fabric in valleys, extending in under the shingles on both sides.